Detox & Angaza Kinyago cha Uso


Ipo kwenye hisa


Usafirishaji duniani kote

Majadiliano ya Bei

Nunua Sasa Lipa Baadaye.

Dhamana ya kurudi kwa siku 7

Vocha ya Ununuzi ya Awip

Ulinganisho wa Bidhaa na Bei

Indulgent. Transformative. Perfectly Clean.

Transform Skin in Just 10 Minutes with this 3 Pure Clays and Charcoal Mask for Dull and Tired-looking Skin.
L’Oréal Paris Skin Experts have created a super-charged Pure-Clay face mask with the power and benefits of Charcoal to detoxify and illuminate your skin in just 10 minutes.

Our indulgent and powerful face mask formula provides a luxurious experience while potent pure clays and charcoal act like a magnet to clean out pores and draw-out and capture deep impurities (such as dirt, oil, and pollution). This creamy, non-drying charcoal mask leaves skin feeling clean, velvety, and rebalanced, addressing your dull, tired skin to reveal a purified, even, and radiant complexion.

Immediately, skin looks brighter with a healthy glow. Our charcoal mask provides deep pore cleansing–dirt, dust and pollution are removed from skin. Skin’s complexion looks fresher and more even. Use After Use, skin is clean as if detoxified. Skin feels as though it can breathe better.


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Unaweza pia kupenda

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